Cover: Propaganda nutzen!
Yannik Schäfer
Propaganda nutzen!
ISBN: 978-3-987-41101-4
68 Seiten | € 15.00
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Yannik Schäfer

Propaganda nutzen!

Finally being able to talk like Donald Trump? The manual Propaganda nutzen! provides an introduction to the techniques of political agitation by means of exercises, checklists, and online coaching. Learn how to devalue your opponent, divide society, distort the opinions of others, and distract from your own problems and failings.

Political protagonists try to influence public opinion in their favor through targeted media manipulation. In doing so, they use various propaganda techniques which the public often does not recognize without professional research or sufficient background knowledge. The result is deliberate disinformation.

Designed by Yannik Schäfer, this book deftly traces the fine line between irony and bitter seriousness by instructing readers on how to become propagandists themselves with the help of practical exercises. The aim of the manual is to allow us to unmask such manipulation in everyday life, by increasing our understanding of the underlying methodology and argumentation techniques.

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Veröffentlichung: 14.02.2024
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 14,6 cm / B 9,6 cm / -
Seiten 68
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 15.00
Preis AT EUR 15.50
ISBN-13 978-3-987-41101-4
ISBN-10 3987411015

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