Cover: SDGs in the Americas and Caribbean Region
Walter Leal Filho
SDGs in the Americas and Caribbean Region
ISBN: 978-3-031-16016-5
1686 Seiten | € 481.49
Buch [WW]
Walter Leal Filho

SDGs in the Americas and Caribbean Region

This volume provides an overview of the ways sustainable development issues as a whole, and the SDGs in particular, are perceived and practiced in a variety of countries in the Latin America and Caribbean region. It also discusses the extent to which its many socio-economic problems hinder progresses towards the pursuit of a sustainable future, and documents successful experiences from across the region.

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Veröffentlichung: 29.10.2023
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 23,5 cm / B 15,5 cm / -
Seiten 1686
Art des Mediums Buch [WW]
Preis DE EUR 481.49
Preis AT EUR 494.99
Reihe Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Regional Perspectives
ISBN-13 978-3-031-16016-5
ISBN-10 3031160169

Über den Autor

Professor Walter Leal Filho (BSc, PhD, DSc, DPhil, DEd, DL, DLitt) holds the Chairs of Environment and Technology at Manchester Metropolitan University (UK) and of Climate Change Management at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany), where he directs the Research and Transfer Centre „Sustainability Development and Climate Change Management”. His main research interests are in the fields of sustainable development and climate change, also including aspects of climate change and health. He holds various doctoral degrees. He is a member of the Society of Biology, Royal Geographical Society (FRGS), and Linnean Society (FLS). His field experience in over 70 countries, involves missions undertaken on behalf of various international organisations (e.g. European Union, World Bank, OECD, UNESCO, UNEP) and attendance to specialised events in North America, Latin America/Caribbean, Europe, Africa, Asia and Pacific Region, and the Middle East. Among the many awards he has received, it can be mentioned the 1999 “Leading Editor of the Year Award” and the 2000 “Editor of the Year Award”, by MCB University Press, the “Eco-Citizen Award” (2001) in Rio de Janeiro and the Aurelio Giuseppe Prize awarded by the Italian Council of Ministers for his environmental work. Moreover, he was awarded the “Golden Page Award” (April 2003) in London for his editorial work and the North Sea Star Award (2006) by the EU-Interreg Secretariat for his project work in the North Sea Region. In the field of sustainable development, Professor Walter Leal is the founder of the European School of Sustainability Science and Research and of the Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme (IUSDRP). Apart from being author, co-author, editor or co-editor of over 150 books and journals, Professor Leal has published in excess of 300 articles in journals. Having undertaking sustainability and climate change projects round the world, he is a seasoned editor and project manager.

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