Cover: Sustainable Development Risks and Risk Management
Elena G. Popkova
Sustainable Development Risks and Risk Management
- A Systemic View from the Positions of Economics and Law
ISBN: 978-3-031-34255-4
635 Seiten | € 267.49
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Elena G. Popkova

Sustainable Development Risks and Risk Management

A Systemic View from the Positions of Economics and Law

This book is devoted to a systemic study of socio-economic development risks arising in the Decade of Action, as well as the prospects for risk management in support of sustainable development. It aims to overcome fragmentary consideration of risks in the existing literature through their comprehensive coverage and the establishment of their interconnections from the perspective of sustainable development.

The novelty of this book is that it provides a comprehensive accounting of socio-economic development risks in the Decade of Action, as well as a rethinking of these risks from a sustainable development perspective. The book also opens up the possibility of the most comprehensive and effective risk management in support of sustainable development. The practical relevance of the book stems from the fact that it describes and discusses practical experience in detail and accompanies the theoretical material with numerous case studies, including cases and frameworks with extensive coverage of international best practices.

The book is intended for scholars, for whom the book forms a systemic scientific view of the risks of socio-economic development arising in the Decade of Action, as well as the prospects for risk management in support of sustainable development. The book is also of interest to practitioners, for whom it offers practical advice on risk management at all levels of the economy for sustainable development. Many examples from different countries make the book attractive to a wide international audience. The book is of particular interest to readers from Russia.

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Veröffentlichung: 08.08.2023
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 27,9 cm / B 21 cm / -
Seiten 635
Art des Mediums Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Preis DE EUR 267.49
Preis AT EUR 274.99
Auflage 1. Auflage
Reihe Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation
ISBN-13 978-3-031-34255-4
ISBN-10 3031342550

Über den Autor

Elena G. Popkova – Doctor of Science (Economics), is Founder and President of the Institute of Scientific Communications (Russia) and Leading Researcher of the Center for Applied Research of the chair “Economic policy and public-private partnership” of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) (Moscow, Russia). Her scientific interests include the theory of economic growth, sustainable development, globalization, humanization of economic growth, emerging markets, social entrepreneurship, and the digital economy and Industry 4.0. Elena G. Popkova organizes all-Russian and international scientific and practical conferences and is Editor and Author of collective monographs, and she serves as Guest Editor of international scientific journals. She has published more than 300 works in Russian and foreign peer-reviewed scientific journals and books.

Bruno S. Sergi, Ph.D., is Professor of International Economics, University of Messina, and Associate, Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University. Bruno S. Sergi teaches at the Harvard Extension School on the economics of emerging markets and the political economy of Russia and China. Sergi is Associate of Harvard University's Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies and the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute. He also teaches political economy and international finance at the University of Messina, Italy. He is Series Editor of Cambridge's Elements in the Economics of Emerging Markets (Cambridge University Press), as well as Editor for Entrepreneurship and Global Economic Growth and Co-Series Editor of Lab for Entrepreneurship and Development (Emerald Publishing). He is Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, the International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, and the International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance. He is Associate Editor of The American Economist. He has published several articles in scholarly journals and many books as Author, Co-Author, Editor, or Co-Editor. Sergi's academic career and advisory roles have established him as a frequent guest and a commentator on matters of contemporary developments in political economies and emerging markets in a wide range of media. Sergi holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Greenwich Business School, London.

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