Dr. David Millard is Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Southampton, UK. A leading figure in the Hypertext community, he has over 240 publications in international conferences and journals, was Vice-Chair of ACM SIGWEB from 2015-2019, and is the current chair of the ACM Hypertext steering committee. He has won awards for his work on hypertext structures and authoring, and his current research interests are focused on hypertextual structures in games, locative literature, and digital narratives.
Dr. Alex Mitchell teaches game and UX design and interactive storytelling in the Department of Communications and New Media at the National University of Singapore. His research investigates various aspects of computer-based art and entertainment. His recent work has explored the role of defamiliarization in gameplay, and motivations for replaying interactive stories. He is a founding executive board member of ARDIN (Association for Research in Digital Interactive Narrative).
Dr. Ulrike Spierling is a professor of Media Design at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden, Germany. She has been leading research groups in Interactive Storytelling since 1998, with applied research and development projects tackling interactions with virtual characters, conversational user interfaces, chatbot-based storytelling, as well as location-based interactive drama in Augmented Reality. She has organized several international workshops on Authoring for Interactive Narrative since 2006, and co-founded the annual conference series ICIDS (International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling) in 2008.