Cover: Burnout
Julius Klain
ISBN: 978-3-755-73842-8
170 Seiten | € 14.99
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Julius Klain


5.0/5.00 bei 1 Reviews - aus dem Web

BURNOUT tells the true story of Julius Klain. How it came to his burnout. How much he suffered from the consequences of this disease. What his everyday life was like in this disturbing phase of his life. What Julius thought and felt. And in what simple and miraculous way he finally succeeded in defeating his burnout sustainably.

BURNOUT is aimed at burnout sufferers to encourage you, to show you a way out of this crisis and to say to you: ´You´re not alone.´

BURNOUT is also aimed at relatives and should help you to better understand a person suffering from burnout from your environment: your partner, your son, your daughter, your parent, your husband, your wife, your colleague, your friend, ... .

BURNOUT is for anyone who wants to know more about the burnout disease or Julius Klain´s life.

BURNOUT should and will inspire you.

Opinions from other readers:

A perfect demonstration how the burnout syndrom is. Honest and ruthlessly told.

There is no better book, to understand this disease.

A real help for affected people and for their members, colleagues and friends.

Quick to read and easy to understand.

A book you need to read. Even if you have got nothing to do with burnout.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 21,5 cm / B 13,5 cm / 239 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 14.99
Preis ATEUR 15.50
Auflage2. Auflage

Über den Autor

Julius Klain was born in 1976. He is a leader in a major company and he lives in Germany with his family. He loves to write and to do sports in his leisure time.

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