Cover: Garden Communities
Ralf Otterpohl
Garden Communities
- Living Diversely, Producing locally, together with nature and neighbors
ISBN: 978-3-757-55763-8
200 Seiten | € 15.00
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Ralf Otterpohl

Garden Communities

Living Diversely, Producing locally, together with nature and neighbors

Garden Communities: Clusters of Market Gardens!
Robert Rodale’s vision of 1984 comes to fruition now:
“… the typical farm of the future may be simply a very large garden.” Imagine: A cluster of market gardens converts degraded farmland into highly productive plots. Living soils, many happy people, and free ranging animals.
Think big to make it attractive. Find people that really want to produce and get their hands in the soil. Part-time gardening and another income from a desk. Let the Garden Community grow from a cluster of market gardens and many other small busi-nesses in a supportive community of 150 to 200 people.
How to turn a farm into a Garden Community?
1.Turn existing farm buildings into flats, business space, school and community center
2.Choose and/or create a beautiful setting
3.Cooperate with nearby regenerative ag practitioners
4.Set up agroforestry with food and fodder production
5.Include animals and aquaculture; create lakes with rainwater harvesting
6.Become an attractive weekend destination by providing in-teresting activities and great lodgings
7.Encourage personal development, choose people with good vibes and proven skills
Hundreds of great methods towards a good future for all are available. Robert Rodale again: “Today’s organic gardens are the experi-mental plots for tomorrow’s agriculture.” The results over the decades are stunning. Become a happy pioneer, too! All that knowledge is available – and lot is still to be explored and shared.
Rural areas are full of opportunities – start now.

Otterpohl, Ralf

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Veröffentlichung: 12.06.2023
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / 313 g
Seiten 200
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 15.00
Preis AT EUR 15.00
Auflage 1. Auflage
ISBN-13 978-3-757-55763-8
ISBN-10 3757557638

Über den Autor

Ralf Otterpohl ist Professor und Institutsleiter an der TU Hamburg. Als Visionär und Praktiker forscht er seit 25 Jahren zu innovativen Wasserkonzepten mit Rückgewinnung von Wasser, Dünger und Bodensubstraten. Dazu leitet er Projekte zur Qualität der Böden und zum Wiederaufbau von Humus, sowie zur ländlichen Entwicklung. Seine Entwicklungen von Mini-Modulhäusern aus lokalen Materialien ermöglichen kostengünstigen Bau bei Lebensdauern von 500+ Jahren. Er ist Maurer, Bauingenieur, Siedlungswasserwirtschaftler, Siedlungswissenschaftler und Autor der Bücher zum Neuen Dorf. Mit seinen Ausbildungen in Psycho-Kinesiologie in Geomantie hat er seinen Blickwinkel erweitert. Videos zum Lernen und zu aktuellen Themen finden sich in

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