Cover: Group 4
Reinhard Klein
Group 4
- From Stratos to Quattro
ISBN: 978-3-927-45854-3
256 Seiten | € 49.90
Reinhard Klein

Group 4

From Stratos to Quattro

4.8/5.00 bei 48 Reviews - aus dem Web

Most rally fans still have fond memories of the 70s. It was a time when heroes like Walter Röhrl, Sandro Munari, and Markku Alén were driving in full drifts with opposite lock and when the Stratos filled whole valleys with its unique sound. The great years of Group 4 supremacy were spectacular, adventurous and especially diverse. A dozen or so manufacturers built cars that were able to win WRC rallies. Group 4 saw sports cars like Alpines and Porsche 911s compete against saloons like the Ford Escort, Opel Kadett or Fiat 131 until finally the revolutionary Quattro came and took rallying to the next level. In the book “Group 4 – From Stratos to Quattro”, authors John Davenport and Reinhard Klein describe the history of these legendary rally cars, they review the first WRC years from 1973 to 1982 and tell some of the stories from that wild and tough era.

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Veröffentlichung: 01.07.2023
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 30 cm / B 24,5 cm / 2025 g
Seiten 256
Art des Mediums Buch
Preis DE EUR 49.90
Preis AT EUR 51.30
Auflage 1. Auflage
ISBN-13 978-3-927-45854-3
ISBN-10 3927458546

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