Cover: Karsten Müller - Endgame Magic
Karsten Müller
Karsten Müller - Endgame Magic
- Illustrative training material from master practice
ISBN: 978-3-959-20957-1
322 Seiten | € 29.80
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Karsten Müller

Karsten Müller - Endgame Magic

Illustrative training material from master practice

A comprehensive work about the magic world of endgames.
For starters, 100 interesting and instructive examples on important endgame topics are thoroughly analyzed and extensively commented. Especially those in which not only many useful rules of thumb are ex- plained and illustrated, but above all their not uncommon exceptions.
In the chapter 'Practice makes perfect', 100 exercises give the readers the opportunity to check their previous knowledge and what they have learned in the first part.
In the following 100 exciting studies, it was ensured that they do not show any artificial constructs, but positions that could well have come from practical games and whose solutions are clearly comprehensible.
You can either tackle the given exercises under tournament-like conditions, or you can use the book as a pure textbook and deal directly with the solutions, because even with this approach you can enrich your existing knowledge with many typical endgame motives.
Readers can rest assured that the magic from the realm of endgames will cast its spell over them and that they will enjoy the fascination of the final phase of the game.

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Veröffentlichung: 20.09.2023
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 24 cm / B 17 cm / 740 g
Seiten 322
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 29.80
Preis AT EUR 30.70
Auflage 1. Auflage
Reihe Karsten Müller
ISBN-13 978-3-959-20957-1
ISBN-10 3959209576

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