Cover: PimpMyLife | Learn to think positively
Daniel Chmiel
PimpMyLife | Learn to think positively
ISBN: 978-3-757-55813-0
228 Seiten | € 21.99
Daniel Chmiel

PimpMyLife | Learn to think positively

Have you ever been looking for a tool to help you increase your gratitude and sharpen your mind? Then Pimpmylife is for you! This unique journal combines the enchanting beauty of anime style with the powerful practice of gratitude.

The function of Pimpmylife is simple but groundbreaking: you invest just 10 minutes of your time each day to focus on the positive in your life. With the help of the lovingly designed anime characters, you are encouraged to record your thoughts and feelings and recognise the things you are grateful for each day. This short period of mindfulness will have an amazing effect on your mind.

Thanks to Pimpmylife, you will experience a remarkable improvement in your thinking skills and perception. By consciously focusing on the good and expressing gratitude, you will develop a positive mindset and enhance your mental growth. You will notice how your attitude towards life changes and how you find more joy, satisfaction and fulfilment in each day.

The impact of Pimpmylife is amazing, and it will not only affect you, but also positively influence those around you. With a clearer mind, you will be able to deal with stress, improve your relationships and pursue your goals more effectively. You will experience more clarity and creativity in your thinking and discover new perspectives.

Now is the perfect time to buy the Pimpmylife gratitude journal and begin your journey of self-improvement. Immerse yourself in the colourful world of anime characters and discover how 10 minutes a day can improve your mind. Be enchanted by the magic of Pimpmylife and experience the transformative power of gratitude!

Chmiel, Daniel

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Veröffentlichung: 14.06.2023
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / 520 g
Seiten 228
Art des Mediums Buch
Preis DE EUR 21.99
Preis AT EUR 21.99
Auflage 8. Auflage
ISBN-13 978-3-757-55813-0
ISBN-10 3757558138

Über den Autor

Mediengestalter, Buchautor

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