Cover: The great era of the samurai
Hermann Candahashi
The great era of the samurai
- The warrior's long journey from ancient Japan to modern times
ISBN: 978-3-384-25945-5
240 Seiten | € 19.90
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Hermann Candahashi

The great era of the samurai

The warrior's long journey from ancient Japan to modern times

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of the samurai with "The Great Age of the Samurai - The Warrior's Long Journey from Ancient Japan to Modern Times". This new book by renowned author Hermann Candahashi offers a comprehensive and fascinating journey through the history of one of the most famous warrior classes in the world. Experience the thrilling battles, the strict codes of Bushido and the impressive cultural contributions of the samurai that have shaped Japan forever.
From the turbulent times of feudalism to the peaceful Edo period and the profound transformation during the Meiji Restoration - discover how the samurai established themselves not only as warriors, but also as philosophers, poets and officials. Learn how their values ??and principles continue to influence and inspire modern Japanese society.
This book is a must-read for anyone interested in history, culture and the unique traditions of Japan. "The Great Age of the Samurai" sheds light on the versatile roles of the samurai and shows how they have left their mark on the past and present. Let yourself be carried away by a captivating narrative and learn the true essence of the samurai spirit.
Whether you are a history buff, martial arts enthusiast, Japan lover or simply curious - this book has something for everyone. Become part of an epic journey and discover the warrior's long journey from ancient Japan to modern times.

Join me on an epic excursion through the centuries of Japanese history and discover the fascinating world of the samurai. This book takes you through the times when honor, bravery and unwavering loyalty shaped the life of the warrior caste.
Experience the exciting stories and profound philosophies that made the samurai true masters not only of the art of war, but also of mental strength. From the turbulent feudal times to the peaceful Edo period and the dramatic Meiji Restoration - follow the long path of the warrior that shaped ancient Japan and continues to resonate to this day.
For anyone interested in Japan's mysterious and glorious past, this book offers a detailed and lively portrayal of historical developments. Be inspired by the wisdom and indomitable spirit of the samurai and discover how their values and traditions endure in the modern world.
"The Great Age of the Samurai" is more than just a historical narrative - it is a tribute to one of the most impressive warrior cultures the world has ever seen. Follow me into a world full of courage, honor and tradition.

Yours, Hermann Candahashi

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 19 cm / B 12 cm / 258 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 19.90
Preis ATEUR 19.90

Über den Autor

ich bin in deutschland geboren und aufgewachsen. doch schon in jungen jahren entdeckte ich mein interesse und meine leidenschaft für japan, zunächst durch filme und literatur. nach abschluss meiner ausbildung war ich sehr beeindruckt von der schönheit der japanischen natur und der gastfreundschaft der menschen dort. meine begeisterung und liebe für das land mit einer so langen tradition, seinen widersprüchen und ritualen, die noch immer das leben in vielen bereichen bestimmen, hält bis heute an.

in meinen büchern möchte ich meine bewunderung und liebe für japan und seine kultur zum ausdruck bringen. gleichzeitig versuche ich, eine brücke zwischen den beiden kulturen zu schlagen. mein ziel ist es, verständnis und wertschätzung für die japanische kultur zu fördern. wenn mir das bei ihnen, liebe leserin, lieber leser, gelungen ist, habe ich mir einen wunsch erfüllt und möglicherweise ihr interesse für weitere themen aus meinen büchern geweckt.

hermann candahashi

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