Cover: Transparency Globescale
Azhar ul Haque Sario
Transparency Globescale
- Governance and Insights
ISBN: 978-3-759-88250-9
164 Seiten | € 20.99
Azhar ul Haque Sario

Transparency Globescale

Governance and Insights

In an increasingly interconnected world, where financial markets and corporate decisions ripple across continents, "Transparency Globescale: Governance and Insights" serves as an essential compass. This book embarks on a journey through the economic heartbeats of ten developed nations: the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, Australia, Italy, Spain, and South Korea. It unravels the complex interplay between financial reporting, corporate governance, corruption, demographics, and macroeconomic forces, highlighting the unique challenges and opportunities faced by each nation.

Through meticulous analysis and compelling case studies, the book paints a vivid picture of how transparency, accountability, and good governance can either propel or hinder economic progress. It demonstrates how the United States grapples with corporate governance failures, how Brexit impacts the UK's economic landscape, how Germany's history shapes its inflation policies, how Japan confronts an aging population, and how France navigates social programs alongside economic growth. It also uncovers the role of financial transparency in Canada, the impact of demographic shifts in Australia, the fight against corruption in Italy and Spain, and the influence of technology in South Korea's dynamic economy. By bridging the gap between abstract concepts and their tangible consequences, "Transparency Globescale" empowers readers to understand the complex machinery of the global economy.

Whether you're a seasoned policymaker, a budding business leader, or simply a curious observer of the world, this book invites you to join a conversation about the forces shaping our shared economic future. It’s an invitation to not just study economics, but to feel its pulse and recognize the human faces behind the numbers.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 24 cm / B 17 cm / 338 g
Art des MediumsBuch
Preis DEEUR 20.99
Preis ATEUR 20.99
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Über den Autor

I am bestselling author. I have proven technical skills (Google certifications) to deliver insightful books with ten years of business experience. I have written and published 400 books as per Goodreads record.


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