Stupid Books

Gedankendoof - The Stupid Book about Thoughts -The power of thoughts: How to break through negative thought and emotional patterns, clear out your thoughts, build self-esteem and create a happy life

Cover: Gedankendoof - The Stupid Book about Thoughts - The power of thoughts: How to break through negative thought and emotional patterns, clear out your thoughts, build self-esteem and create a happy life
  • Autor: Fröhlich, Lilly
  • Anzahl Bewertungen: 0
  • Ø Bewertung:
  • Medium: Buch
  • Veröffentlicht: 15.11.2023
  • Genre: Ratgeber

Gedankendoof - The Stupid Book about Thoughts - The power of thoughts: How to break through negative thought and emotional patterns, clear out your thoughts, build self-esteem and create a happy life

Make sure your biggest enemy isn't between your ears!
What are thoughts and why do they influence our feelings?
What exactly is going on in our bodies when we think and feel?

Your magician (=soul) in his magician's workshop (=brain) does not differentiate between physical and mental pain or between real and fictitious events (=thoughts).
This means that every negative thought sets off a chain of biological and chemical processes and your magician is busy brewing muddy hormone cocktails that can even make you sick.
And while the bad hormone party is going on, you could actually be reaching your full potential, but that's not possible because you need all your energy to fight off the 'bad' hormones and to survive.

Do you sometimes put a band-aid on yourself BEFORE you cut yourself? Work through your fears in this book and you can do without band-aids!
So how can you get rid of old patterns of thinking and feeling in order to finally live happily and freely?

In this workbook you can get fit by easily saying goodbye to limiting beliefs and negative memories by deleting anchors and finding your strengths and values.
Let me take you by the hand and walk with me into a more positive and happier life!
Cover: Gedankendoof - The Stupid Book about Thoughts -The power of thoughts: How to break through negative thought and emotional patterns, clear out your thoughts, build self-esteem and create a happy life
  • Autor: Fröhlich, Lilly
  • Anzahl Bewertungen: 0
  • Ø Bewertung:
  • Medium: Buch
  • Veröffentlicht: 01.01.2024
  • Genre: Ratgeber

Gedankendoof - The Stupid Book about Thoughts -The power of thoughts: How to break through negative thought and emotional patterns, clear out your thoughts, build self-esteem and create a happy life

Don't let the biggest enemy sit between your ears!

What exactly are thoughts and why do they influence our feelings? What happens in our body when we are thinking and feeling?

Your magician (= soul) in his magician's workshop (= brain) does not distinguish between physical and mental pain, nor between real and fictitious events (= thoughts).

This means your magician is busy brewing muddy cocktails of hormones that induce negative feelings.

His best co-worker, the librarian in the inner library
(= subconscious) writes down everything the magician thinks and experiences, because his books contain beliefs, values and memories.

And as the crappy hormone party ramps up, you could actually reach your full potential, but you can't because it takes all your energy to fight off the muddy hormones.

So don't put a band-aid on yourself before you cut yourself!

How can we discard old patterns of thoughts and feelings in order to finally live happily and liberated?

Let me take you by the hand with this book and walk with me into a more positive and happier life!

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