Cover: Patterns of Deification in the Acts of the Apostles
Daniel B. Glover
Patterns of Deification in the Acts of the Apostles
ISBN: 978-3-161-61997-7
334 Seiten | € 99.00
E-Book [Kindle]
Daniel B. Glover

Patterns of Deification in the Acts of the Apostles

Five times throughout the course of Luke's narrative in Acts, an individual character is identified as (a) god. Rarely have scholars read these deification scenes within their narrative and historical settings with sufficient care. With regard to the narrative setting, scholars working on the deification scenes tend to take one or another as normative and read the remaining acclamations in light of a particular interpretation of that one pericope. However, such reading strategies run aground when they arrive at the final acclamation (28:1-10), which breaks the exegetical bow of the interpretive ship. In this study, Daniel B. Glover evaluates the deification scenes in the Book of Acts by locating them within the broader ancient Mediterranean context of deification. He offers a fresh reading of Acts that situates each of the five scenes within a distinct literary pattern recognizable to its earliest readers.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 23,2 cm / B 15,5 cm / 378 g
Art des MediumsE-Book [Kindle]
Preis DEEUR 99.00
Preis ATEUR 101.80
Auflage1. Auflage
ReiheWissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament

Über den Autor

Born 1993; 2017 M.T.S. Duke University Divinity School; 2021 PhD Baylor University; currently Assistant Professor of New Testament at Lee University, Cleveland, TN.

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