Anna Covelli
- Over 50 wellbeing recipes and tips for your enjoyment!
ISBN: 978-3-347-87692-7
163 Seiten | € 39.90
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Anna Covelli


Over 50 wellbeing recipes and tips for your enjoyment!

Healthy vegan baking: over 50 wellbeing recipes and tips for your sweet enjoyment!
This book is for you if you want to snack healthily and feel good in your body.
"Healthy vegan baking" - The baking book by Anna Covelli, founder of Ahana.

With over 60 feel-good recipes for body and soul, Anna shows that vegan baking is easy and especially enjoyable.

With tempting recipes ranging from Beetroot Chocolate Cake, Sweet Potato Cream to Raw Coffee Cakes, "Healthy vegan baking" introduces you to a healthy take on baking. The recipes are vegan, gluten-free and refined sugar-free, but full of mindfulness, love and flavour. Here you will discover the world of healthy ingredients and a desire for more: more joy, more well-being, more favourite recipes!

The large introductory section shows how milk, egg & co. can easily be replaced by plant-based products. What does the vegan store cupboard look like? Which ingredients can be replaced in a healthy or gluten-free way? With Anna's tips, anyone can bake great! Recipe notes are included with each recipe, making it especially easy to modify the recipes to suit preferences. This way, even people with intolerances can enjoy without worries.

Have fun being amazed, getting creative and enjoying precious moments with "Healthy vegan baking".
Healthy vegan baking - the baking book:

- Over 50 tried and tested recipes

- Simple vegan and gluten-free baking

- Free from refined sugar

- Useful baking tips and basic ingredients

- Introduction with valuable information on healthy baking

- Knowledge about vegan alternatives

Covelli, Anna

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Veröffentlichung: 27.02.2023
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 25 cm / B 17,1 cm / 605 g
Seiten 163
Art des Mediums Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Preis DE EUR 39.90
Preis AT EUR 39.90
ISBN-13 978-3-347-87692-7
ISBN-10 334787692X

Über die Autorin

Anna ist vegane Ernährungsberaterin, Autorin sowie Meditationscoach. Sie legt großen Wert auf Achtsamkeit, gesunde Ernährung und Gleichberechtigung. Diese Konzepte bilden Ihren Alltag und sind großer Bestandteil Ihrer Arbeit. Ihr Ziel ist es, inneren Frieden und Liebe zu verbreiten und damit immer mehr Menschen zu erreichen.

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