Cover: Informational Entrepreneurship in a World with Limited Insight
James O. Fiet
Informational Entrepreneurship in a World with Limited Insight
ISBN: 978-3-031-16531-3
345 Seiten | € 160.49
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
James O. Fiet

Informational Entrepreneurship in a World with Limited Insight

This book organizes entrepreneurship theory in a way that constitutes a new body of knowledge, which is Informational Entrepreneurship .  It can serve as a basis for teaching entrepreneurship and reducing performance uncertainty.  Although entrepreneurship is not entirely about information, information determines how it can be systematically understood while depending less on luck.  It also offers the only known, experimentally tested approach that incorporates decision support tools.  Other known approaches rely on exposition for validation; whereas, Informational Entrepreneurship uses two-sample experiments that controlled for other explanations as well as experimenter bias.  It will appeal to those studying and teaching entrepreneurship who are looking for a prescriptive approach, rather than a descriptive approach.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / -
Art des MediumsBuch [Gebundenes Buch]
Preis DEEUR 160.49
Preis ATEUR 164.99
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Über den Autor

James O. Fiet is the Brown-Forman Chair in Entrepreneurship and Professor of Management at the University of Louisville, USA. He founded both the entrepreneurship PhD program and the Institute for Entrepreneurial Research. He is in the top 1% of all entrepreneurship researchers world-wide with more than 63,000 research reads. According to Stanford University, he is in the top 2% of all scientists in the world across all disciplines. He was an editor for 10 years of Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, which was the #2 ranked journal for all business disciplines. Before his appointment as editor, the journal was unranked. He published the most cited entrepreneurship article during the last 8 years. He has published the following theoretical treatises: The Systematic Search for Entrepreneurial Discoveries (2002); Prescriptive Entrepreneurship (2008); Time, Space and Entrepreneurship (2020); The Theoretical World of Entrepreneurship (2022); and, The Entrepreneurial Solution to Poverty and the Science of What Is Possible (2022). Coming soon is Entrepreneurship in a Postmodern Age.

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