Cover: Eternity
Thomas H. Huber
- The awakening of a new world
ISBN: 978-3-759-73475-4
372 Seiten | € 18.99
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Thomas H. Huber


The awakening of a new world

ATTENTION: The novels Eternity The awakening of a new world and Cicadas Code differ only in the title. The content is identical!

With this novel, Thomas H. Huber takes his readers to the edge of the universe and back to a long forgotten, mystical time. "The ideal reading for vacationers on Crete! - because the largest Greek island is at the center of this imaginative story.

The Story:

Samuel and Sarah Kramer are on their way to Crete for a relaxing beach vacation. But shortly after their arrival, they are plunged into a nightmare that pushes them to the limits of their sanity. The trigger is a short vacation video that Sam sends to his friend Jack Stern via WhatsApp. The movie shows Sarah looking down at the south coast from the highest point of the mountain road. All you can hear in the background is the wind and the chirping of thousands of cicadas. Stern, an encryption expert for the US Army, believes he has discovered a code in the cicadas' chirping. This brings in the mysterious William Sutherford, who sees a connection between the cicadas' code and the fate of mankind. Sam, his wife Sarah, and ten other people join him on a bizarre adventure.

Who do you think loves you unconditionally? It can only be one person, yourself! No one will ever love you, trust you or acknowledge you if you can't do it yourself. All is one, one is all! The whole matrix only exists because you can't believe that you are all that exists! Think deeper than you have ever thought before. Then you will not only see the light at the end of the tunnel, you will be it! (Thomas H. Huber)

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Veröffentlichung: 28.05.2024
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 19 cm / B 12 cm / 396 g
Seiten 372
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 18.99
Preis AT EUR 19.60
Auflage 1. Auflage
ISBN-13 978-3-759-73475-4
ISBN-10 3759734758

Über den Autor

Autor: Thomas H. Huber (geb. 1960)


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