Cover: Developmental Peace: Theorizing China’s Approach to International Peacebuilding
Wenting Meng
Developmental Peace: Theorizing China’s Approach to International Peacebuilding
ISBN: 978-3-838-21907-3
188 Seiten | € 29.90
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Wenting Meng

Developmental Peace: Theorizing China’s Approach to International Peacebuilding

Peacebuilding aims to resolve conflicts by addressing the root causes. The mainstream theory of peacebuilding is the liberal approach, which has been successful in some regions but has also faced criticism and failures in others. In response to the need for new approaches to peacebuilding, China was under the spotlight as an emerging and active actor in conflict-affected areas, through economic assistance, UN peacekeeping contributions, and mediation efforts. So can China’s practice bring stability and peace to the local communities?

This book explores China's approach through the Developmental Peace framework, promoting sustainable peace through multi-dimensional development: economic growth, effective governance, and the human right to survival and development. Based on extensive interviews in China and conflict zones like South Sudan, the author demonstrates China's potential for achieving stability, though long-term observation is needed to ensure sustainable peace. Developmental Peace offers a comprehensive analysis of China's role in international peacebuilding, providing valuable insights into conflict resolution and sustainable peace.

Meng, Wenting

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / 246 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 29.90
Preis ATEUR 30.70

Über den Autor

Dr. Wenting Meng is a former Junior Professional Officer at UNESCO and currently serves as a post-doctoral researcher at Zhejiang University. Holding a Ph.D. in International Relations from Peking University, Dr. Meng has over a decade of engagement with the United Nations. Her research interests encompass areas such as International Peacebuilding and International Organization Competence. She was honored as a Peace Fellow of the Social Science Research Council and has conducted field research on peacebuilding projects in South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Kenya.

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