Cover: The Estrangers
Rudolph Bauer
The Estrangers
ISBN: 978-3-756-53493-7
64 Seiten | € 12.00
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Rudolph Bauer

The Estrangers

How Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum and many big foundations try to make economic and social policy by using the idea of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution"
Klaus Schwab is not a stranger. As founder and chairman of the board of the World Economic Forum (WEF), he is a charlatan and, and as such he is dangerous. As a charlatan, he is not taken seriously. Tenor: a lunatic, the prophet of Davos, a pompous poser completely overestimating himself. However, Schwab is immensely hazardous. And he stands for a tendency. He is one of many hype machines, a self-marketer – and on top of that he is a German. One can imagine people like Schwab in SS uniform, driven by a fixed idea and with fantasies of world domination. The tendency represented by Schwab is the transhuman rebirth of capitalism from the ruins of its global failure. Schwab offers an anointing description of this objective and the way to achieve it. Whoever does not follow him, is threatened with damnation. What should we think about all this? An answer from the unusual perspective of Karl Marx – an essay in two parts.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / 113 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 12.00
Preis ATEUR 12.00
Auflage2. Auflage

Über den Autor

Bauer, sociologo, scrittore e artista, per anni ha lavorato come docente all’università di Brema. Si impegna a favore di un pacifismo radicale e per la lotta contro il neoimperialismo legato agli interes-si del capitale dei paesi ricchi. Il capitale e gli inte-ressi della borghesia occidentale, la sete di potere delle imprese produttrici di armi e la politica spo-sata con le multinazionali, mantengono il nostro mondo in uno stato di guerra, pseudo-guerra e minaccia costante.

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