Cover: Water Science and Sustainability
Bindhy Wasini Pandey
Water Science and Sustainability
ISBN: 978-3-030-57490-1
255 Seiten | € 149.79
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Bindhy Wasini Pandey

Water Science and Sustainability

This book describes the importance of water resources for socio-economic and ecological development including geomorphic and ecological environments. Hence, conservation, management and development of water resources have become necessary for the all-around development of global populations and the environment. It is the outcome of valuable contributions made by eminent scientists and research scholars who have developed alternative strategies, solutions and models for sustainable water resources through research, monitoring and experiments varying from regional to global scale. This book is of immense use to the policymakers, environmentalists, ecologists, academician, research scholars and people in general concerned with water resources management. 

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Veröffentlichung: 12.04.2022
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 25,4 cm / B 17,8 cm / -
Seiten 255
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 149.79
Preis AT EUR 153.99
Reihe Sustainable Development Goals Series
ISBN-13 978-3-030-57490-1
ISBN-10 3030574903

Über den Autor

Bindhy Wasini Pandey is currently Associate Professor of Geography at Department of Geography, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. He has to his credit 23 Years of Teaching and Research experiences, 08 books and  more than 70 research papers published in books and journals. He has received Young Geographers Awards of National Association of Geographers India (NAGI). He has received Shastri Fellowship of Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) for the project on Hazard Zone Mapping in Himachal Himalaya and British Columbia, Canada in 1995. He has widely travelled and attended International Conferences and delivered lectures in more than 30 countries. Dr. Pandey is specialized in Marginality Analysis and Vulnerability Assessment in High Altitudes. He has supervised 03 Ph. D and 05 M. Phil. Theses. He is Executive in India for International Geoscience Education Organization (IGEO) and Sectional Recorder, Earth System Sciences of Indian Science Congress (ISCA) 2019-2020. He is PI in British Council, UGC-UKIERI International Collaboration Project on DRR in Himalaya.

Subhash Anand is currently Associate Professor of Geography at Department of Geography, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. He has to his credit more than 20 years of Teaching and Research experiences. Dr. Anand authored 02 books and edited 03 volumes, including Urban Health Risk and Resilience in Asian Cities by Springer. He has to his credit 40 research papers, articles and chapters in various books and journals of national and international repute including Elsevier, Springer etc. He led the Indian delegation to  Hiroshima University, Japan under Indo-Japan Joint Research Programme. He has supervised 06 Ph. D and 06 M. Phil. Theses. He has widely travelled and participated International conferences and delivered lectures in many countries. He has done successful training UGEC & SARCS Advanced Training Workshop on Urban Spatial Planning in response to Climate Change at Taipei, Taiwan; Commonwealth Geographical Bureau’s Workshop on Human Consequences of Climate Change at University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. He organised IGU-India  International E- conference with the collaboration of IGU commissions on Local & Regional Development, and Commission on June, 2020. Dr. Anand is Steering Committee Member of IGU Commission on Geoheritage since 2012. His interests include Urban Management & Sustainability, Rural and Urban Issues, Geoheritage, Geotourism, Geoparks. He is Managing Editor of International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks (IJGP) and member in several interdisciplinary academic committees. He has been honoured by many prestigious awards.    


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