Cover: Backing Yourself
Dave Nixon
Backing Yourself
- Live in the Moment, Perform at Your Best, and Fulfill Your Potential
ISBN: 978-1-782-55237-6
200 Seiten | € 14.95
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Dave Nixon

Backing Yourself

Live in the Moment, Perform at Your Best, and Fulfill Your Potential

It’s not much of a secret: No one has it all figured out. If they did, it would mean they’ve reached their final destination—nothing more to do, no more challenges to face. The good news is that one does not need to have all the answers to be able to maximize their potential and perform at their best.

Backing yourSELF offers various mental and physical practices to uncloud the mind and enhance focus, so whether a person attempts to achieve more on the field, in the boardroom, or even family life, this book will guide them on their journey.

Building on the methods outlined in the author’s previous book, Minding yourSELF, for how to approach training, nutrition, and the work–life balance, Backing yourSELF offers further practical examples for performing at one’s best—in daily life, in work, or in sports. It will guide readers in those practical steps that will help attach true meaning to what it is to fulfill their potential.

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Veröffentlichung: 01.02.2023
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 21,5 cm / B 13,9 cm / -
Seiten 200
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 14.95
Preis AT EUR 15.40
ISBN-13 978-1-782-55237-6
ISBN-10 1782552375

Über den Autor

Since 2004, Dave Nixon has trained and coached thousands of clients and athletes in the fitness and health industry. More recently, he has travelled both nationally and internationally to present seminars on functional movement and performance-based mindsets to gyms and personal trainers. Dave has worked with elite athletes worldwide on adapting their mindsets for performance and mental preparation to help them reach their potential and the podium.

In 2012, Dave founded FUNC, a private coaching gym that specializes in real-world functional strength and fitness. The gym is based out of Canberra, Australia. Dave is also the founder and operator of Alpha Theta in which he and his team help coaches and high performers around the world to reach their peaks and get the most out of their inner games.

Dave reaches thousands of listeners each week with his daily podcast, Alpha Theta Flow and through his social media channels. He currently resides in Australia.

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