Cover: Coaching Soccer Like Guardiola and Mourinho
Timo Jankowski
Coaching Soccer Like Guardiola and Mourinho
- The Concept of Tactical Periodization
ISBN: 978-1-782-55072-3
248 Seiten | € 18.95
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Timo Jankowski

Coaching Soccer Like Guardiola and Mourinho

The Concept of Tactical Periodization

4.3/5.00 bei 29 Reviews - aus dem Web

A soccer player is more than the sum of his parts: endurance, speed, shooting technique, passing technique, and many more.
All of these factors need to be turned into one system to create good players. Traditional training theory doesn’t achieve that because each skill is trained individually.
This is why the concept of Tactical Periodization has become the preferred training theory for many of the current most successful soccer coaches: Pep Guardiola, José Mourinho, Diego Simeone, André Villas-Boas, and many others train according to these principles.
By creating match-like situations in practice, players learn to link their technical, tactical, and athletic abilities to match intelligence. They will learn to transfer their skills to soccer matches and they can improve endurance, technique, and tactics all at the same time while enjoying the practice sessions more.
For this book, the author has evaluated and analyzed hundreds of training sessions and has tailored exercises to specific demands. All exercises are performed with a ball so that players learn to apply each skill to the game.
Every coach will find numerous exercises in this book to help them create better and more efficient practice sessions so they can improve their players’ and the team’s performance.
With Tactical Periodization, your team will become better and be successful on the next match day!

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Original Titel Taktische Periodisierung im Fußball
Veröffentlichung: 29.08.2016
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 24 cm / B 16,5 cm / 602 g
Seiten 248
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 18.95
Preis AT EUR 19.50
Auflage 1. Auflage
ISBN-13 978-1-782-55072-3
ISBN-10 1782550720

Über den Autor

Der verheiratete Familienvater von drei Töchtern und studierte Betriebswirt arbeitete die letzten acht Jahre beim Schweizer Rekordmeister Grasshopper Club Zürich als Ausbildungschef und bei den Profis in der Schweizer Super League sowie als Co-Trainer der Schweizer U16-Nationalmannschaft. Im Juli 2021 trat Timo Jankowski eine neue Stelle als Technischer Direktor des Fußballverbandes in Fidschi an, um dort Fußball nachhaltig zu entwickeln und möglichst viele schöne und spannende Erlebnisse mit seiner Familie zu sammeln.

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