Cover: Step Up!
Thomas Dold
Step Up!
- The Ultimate Stair Running Training Book
ISBN: 978-1-782-55268-0
248 Seiten | € 24.95
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Thomas Dold

Step Up!

The Ultimate Stair Running Training Book

Step Up, the ultimate guide to stair running, provides both beginner and ambitious runners with comprehensive ideas and suggestions for training. In addition to theoretical knowledge, it includes exercises and practical tips, all illustrated by photos and explanatory videos accessed via QR codes. Included, too, are exercise variations that help runners to push over their training plateaus and progress to the next level.
With its strength and coordination exercises and stair jumps, Step Up offers new training incentives for those training for running, endurance, or game sports. The book also includes weekly plans that help structure training, aiding every runner in achieving their goals.
As is true with all sports training, athletes cannot reach their potential without working their mental strength. To round out training, this book also addresses motivation and focus, crucial for training runners' mental strength. Interviews and personal insights from author Thomas Dold add a bit of levity, making this book both practical and entertaining for runners.

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Veröffentlichung: 01.05.2024
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 24 cm / B 16,5 cm / -
Seiten 248
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 24.95
Preis AT EUR 25.70
ISBN-13 978-1-782-55268-0
ISBN-10 1782552685

Über den Autor

Thomas Dold gehört zu den erfolgreichsten Treppenläufern der Welt. Weltweit gelangen ihm 45 Siege bei Treppenlaufevents, dabei triumphierte er u.a. sieben Mal in Folge beim bekanntesten Run Up auf dem Empire State Building in New York. Zudem hält er zahlreiche Weltrekorde und ist Weltmeister im Rückwärtslaufen. Mittlerweile trainiert Dold verschiedene Läufer, darunter Olympiateilnehmer.

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