Eva Helbæk Tram
Cooking on Fire
ISBN: 978-3-967-04131-6
272 Seiten | € 39.90
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Eva Helbæk Tram
Cooking on Fire
5.0/5.00 bei 4 Reviews - aus dem Web
Cooking on an open fire is the most archaic of all cooking methods.This cookbook provides many varied recipes as well as practical tips.
For decades, open-fire cooking has been considered a pastime reserved for scouts and elite soldiers, leaving the rest of us to grill sausages on the terrace. But open-fire cooking is for everyone. It is sensuous and impractical in the best sense of the word. It is as much about the time spent making the food as it is about eating it.
Cooking on Fire is full of delicious fire-cooked recipes requiring varying degrees of effort. It teaches you how to build and light campfires, different campfire cooking techniques, the equipment you will need (if any), and everything else you need to know.
You’ll find classic recipes like Chilli Con Carne and roasted chestnuts but also more challenging dishes that require a fair amount of time—which is a good thing. Because if there is one thing the authors would like to accomplish with this book, it is to give you, the reader, the freedom to sit down by the fire, and with food as the excuse, look into the flames, and relax.
For decades, open-fire cooking has been considered a pastime reserved for scouts and elite soldiers, leaving the rest of us to grill sausages on the terrace. But open-fire cooking is for everyone. It is sensuous and impractical in the best sense of the word. It is as much about the time spent making the food as it is about eating it.
Cooking on Fire is full of delicious fire-cooked recipes requiring varying degrees of effort. It teaches you how to build and light campfires, different campfire cooking techniques, the equipment you will need (if any), and everything else you need to know.
You’ll find classic recipes like Chilli Con Carne and roasted chestnuts but also more challenging dishes that require a fair amount of time—which is a good thing. Because if there is one thing the authors would like to accomplish with this book, it is to give you, the reader, the freedom to sit down by the fire, and with food as the excuse, look into the flames, and relax.
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Original Titel | Bogen om Bålmad |
Veröffentlichung: | 31.08.2023 |
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht | H 26 cm / B 21 cm / 1435 g |
Seiten | 272 |
Art des Mediums | Buch [Gebundenes Buch] |
Preis DE | EUR 39.90 |
Preis AT | EUR 41.10 |
Auflage | 1. Auflage |
ISBN-13 | 978-3-967-04131-6 |
ISBN-10 | 396704131X |
Über die Autorin
Eva und Nicolai Tram kommen beide aus der Gastronomie und den Food-Medien, sie als Sommelier und Gastrokritikerin, er als Koch in Spitzenrestaurants und im Fernsehen.Um Arbeit und Familienleben besser in Einklang zu bringen, zogen sie im Jahr 2017 mit ihren beiden Jungs von Kopenhagen in die schwedischen Wälder. Nachdem sie viel Zeit in freier Natur verbringen, ist das Kochen auf dem Feuer für sie zu einer Selbstverständlichkeit geworden. Dieses Buch ist das Ergebnis ihrer gemeinsamen Leidenschaft für die Natur und das Kochen.
Seit der Erstveröffentlichung dieses Buches im Jahr 2020 haben Nicolai und Eva Tram das Restaurant Knystaforsen eröffnet, dessen Herzstück das Kochen am Lagerfeuer ist. Dieses wurde mit einem Michelin-Stern und im Jahr 2022 mit einem grünen Stern für Nachhaltigkeit ausgezeichnet.
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