Cover: Neville Goddard - The Complete Collection
Neville Goddard
Neville Goddard - The Complete Collection
- The reference book by Neville Goddard with all books, radio lectures and lessons.
ISBN: 978-3-757-93737-9
444 Seiten | € 25.99
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard - The Complete Collection

The reference book by Neville Goddard with all books, radio lectures and lessons.

5.0/5.00 bei 1 Reviews - aus dem Web

This reference book contains ALL 14 Neville Goddard Books published between 1939 and 1966. This book is - The Complete Collection of Neville Goddard - on Manifesting with the Law of Assumption. This includes all of Neville Goddard's original books, the transcripts of his 1948 course lectures, the 1951 radio lectures, and the Neville Goddard Book: The Creative Use of the Imagination by Margaret Ruth Broome, a personal student of Neville Goddard. The full contents of this reference book by Neville Goddard are as follows: - At Your Command (1939) - Your Faith Is Your Fortune (1941) - Freedom For All (1942) - Feeling Is The Secret (1944) - Prayer - The Art Of Believing (1945) - The Search (1946) - Master Class - Five Lessons (1948) - Out Of This World (1949) - Radio Lectures - Station KECA (1951) - The Creative Use Of Imagination (1952) - The Power Of Awareness (1952) - Awakened Imagination (1954) - Seedtime And Harvest (1956) - I Know My Father (1960) - The Law And The Promise (1961) - He Breaks The Shell (1964) - Resurrection (1966) Possessing a self-educated and uncommonly sharp intellect, Neville Lancelot Goddard espoused a spiritual vision that was bold and total: Everything you see and experience, including other people, is the result of your own thoughts and emotional states. Each of us dreams into existence an infinitude of realities and outcomes. When you realize this, Neville Goddard taught, you will discover yourself to be a slumbering branch of the Creator clothed in human form, and at the helm of limitless possibilities. - Mitch Horowitz - Neville Goddard is best described as an enlightened mystic and hermetic. His knowledge was so deep and all-encompassing that any seeker will find what they're looking for with him! There is nothing like him in knowledge and depth! Neville Goddard's wish was to make people aware of their creative power. He was not only concerned with manifestation, but also with re-understanding and consciously applying the profound mechanisms of our existence. And this knowledge can be fully understood and consciously applied using this reference book by Neville Goddard. When man begins to discover this power within him, he never plays the part that he formerly played. He doesn't turn back and become just a reflector of life; from here on in he is the affector of life. - Neville Lancelot Goddard - The categories of this Neville Goddard Book are: - Neville Goddard Collection and Books - Manifestation and Manifesting

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 29,7 cm / B 21 cm / -
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
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ReiheManifesting with Neville Goddard and the Law of Assumption

Über den Autor

Fabio Mantegna ist Autor für das Gesetz der Annahme nach Neville Goddard. Seine Affinität zur Spiritualität und den Gesetzgebungen unserer sogenannten Realität machen sein Buch „Du bist der Weg“ zu einem einmaligen Meisterwerk bezüglich des Themas Manifestieren. Er verbindet wie kein zweiter die Spiritualität mit der Wissenschaft und ermöglicht dadurch das vereinheitliche Verständnis der Gesetzgebungen unserer Realität.

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