Cover: The Intermediate Archer
Ben Hastings
The Intermediate Archer
- Everything They Didn't tell us in the Beginner's Course
ISBN: 978-1-782-55903-0
144 Seiten | € 14.99
E-Book [Kindle]
Ben Hastings

The Intermediate Archer

Everything They Didn't tell us in the Beginner's Course

The Intermediate Archer fills the resource gap, helping those archers who have taken their first steps by completing a beginner's course and are wondering where to go next. It is the answer to all of the intermediate archer's questions, such as how do they improve their technique, what sort of equipment should they buy, and what type of archery is right for them?
Author Ben Hastings provides the information every intermediate archer needs. He covers archery types, bow types, other equipment and equipment maintenance, the anatomy of the bow, technique, competition, the mental side of archery, and more—all in this one concise yet complete guide.
With this book, the intermediate archer can feel confident as they further improve and enhance their skills.

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Über den Autor

Ben Hastings’ interest in archery was piqued at a young age when he was allowed to string and unstring his elder brother’s longbow. From there, he entered the target sports, pistol and rifle shooting, but in the aftermath of shootings in the late 20th century, these sports became problematic. His interest in archery was soon revived by a have-a-go session while on holiday. Ben now regularly shoots freestyle, barebow, longbow, and flatbow target archery.
Ben is an Archery GB Level 2–licensed coach and Competition Judge and has been coaching for several years. He is also a member and senior coach of one of the oldest archery clubs in England. Ben coaches pupils of a school in Surrey and also started an after-school archery club at another local secondary school. He coaches beginner’s courses and provides further coaching to all ages and abilities. His students range from beginner to Grand Master Bowman standard and have competed at almost all levels. He currently resides on the Surrey/Hampshire borders in the southwest of England.

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