Cover: De coloribus vitae tuae latein The colors of your life english Die Farben deines Lebens deutsch
Powerful Glory
De coloribus vitae tuae latein The colors of your life english Die Farben deines Lebens deutsch
- Etsi non sunt, nos fingimus superheroes esse latein
ISBN: 978-3-756-54193-5
664 Seiten | € 23.99
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Powerful Glory

De coloribus vitae tuae latein The colors of your life english Die Farben deines Lebens deutsch

Etsi non sunt, nos fingimus superheroes esse latein

Etsi non sunt, nos fingimus superheroes esse. Superman est magna. Invulnerabilis et specialibus viribus praeditus inimicos pariter fictos superat. Ejus attributa et facultates infinita videntur. In fine, Superman semper vincit. Intime insedit humana necessitas ad victoriam gloriosam potentiam in animis infantum sopitam iacet. Super fortis, eximius dolor, luctus etiam in cotidiano pugna in Donec. Post, munus exempla sunt ingenia e comicis et cinematographicis industriae convivii. Post annos, summus horsepower motorcycles et currus deliquium facere possunt. In vita reali nos non adiuvant. Obwohl es sie nicht wirklich gibt, existieren in den Vorstellungen von uns (Jugendlichen) Superhelden. Superman ist super. Unverwundbar und mit besonderer Kraft ausgestattet, besiegt er seine ebenso fiktiven Feinde. Seine Eigenschaften und Fähigkeiten scheinen grenzenlos zu sein. Am Ende siegt immer Superman. Ein tief sitzendes menschliches Bedürfnis nach glorreicher Siegesmacht schlummert schon in den Köpfen kleiner Kinder. Superstark, superklug, superschnell schon im täglichen Kampf im Kindergarten. Später sind die Vorbilder Figuren aus den Comics und Spielfilmen der Unterhaltungsindustrie. Although they don't really exist, superheroes exist in the imaginations of us (young people). Superman is super. Invulnerable and endowed with special power, he defeats his equally fictional enemies. His characteristics and abilities seem to be limitless. In the end, Superman always wins. A deep-seated human need for glorious victory power slumbers even in the minds of small children. Super-strong, super-smart, super-fast even in the daily battle in kindergarten. Later, the role models are figures from the comics and feature films of the entertainment industry. Post annos, summus horsepower motorcycles et currus deliquium facere possunt. In vita reali nos non adiuvant. Citius vel serius, etiam gloriosi iactatores moriuntur et fortes heroes ad realitatem suae existentiae excitare possunt.

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Über den Autor

The steam really fogged our little kitchen.
Because the bath water was too hot at first, my grandma added cold water from the tap
The faucet and the pouring were the only water point in the house. More water drinkers and taps could be found in the stable and in the yard
When bathing, the temperature was often regulated by pouring hot or cold water
At the end of the bathing process, washing your hair was always a special procedure
The shampoo came out of a small plastic pillow. One tip of the pillow was cut off with scissors and then when the foam was pressed, it spilled not only onto my hair, but mostly onto my face.
Most of all, I was always afraid for my eyes. Every time I shouted: give me a wash
Often we were allowed to eat a piece of warm, freshly baked cake before going to bed.

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