Cover: No need to be a perfectionist -
Nicole Teschner
No need to be a perfectionist -
- you can also survive mistakes
ISBN: 978-3-754-68938-7
244 Seiten | € 14.99
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Nicole Teschner

No need to be a perfectionist -

you can also survive mistakes

Overcome perfectionism, stop procrastination, and cure burnout and panic attacks: Are you constantly stressed because you always worry about what you might have done wrong? Or do you already suffer from burnout, depression, or panic attacks because your perfectionism and fear of making mistakes have brought you there? Or do you even procrastinate because you are so afraid of making mistakes? Then put an end to it now! Be surprised how much you can overcome this with this guide: For many people, it is difficult to cope with mistakes. But mistakes are just as much a part of life as successes. Again and again, people tear themselves apart, puzzling over what could have been and what they should have done differently. Failures and mistakes do not make people happy. Even small defeats can have serious consequences, such as anxiety, depression, and panic attacks, up to questioning the meaning of life and even suicidal thoughts. But don't stress! Take a breath first, and don't blame yourself! Because in this anti-stress book, you will learn how to overcome your perfectionism and depression triggered by it and eliminate panic attacks and other anxiety disorders. Go through a significant personal development with which you will become a professional in stress and error management, get rid of your depression and burnout in a flash by getting rid of your perfectionism, and thus become a little happier every day! What you will learn in this motivational book: How to overcome your perfectionism How to better deal with mistakes How to cope better with failures How to significantly improve your crisis skills How to strengthen your self-confidence How to improve your positive thinking How to enhance mindset and change bad habits How to mitigate burnout, depression, or panic attacks by setting aside perfectionism. Begin building your resilience and fault tolerance today and experience a whole new way of living: with renewed courage, strength, and remarkable confidence. This guidebook will be "your perfect new everyday companion" and provide you with "concrete help written in a very understandable way" for current problems. Because "a person is perfect only when he is no longer perfect!"

Teschner, Nicole
tolino media

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Veröffentlichung: 17.10.2022
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 20,5 cm / B 13,5 cm / -
Seiten 244
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 14.99
Preis AT EUR 14.99
ISBN-13 978-3-754-68938-7
ISBN-10 375468938X

Über die Autorin

Nicole Teschner ist Diplom-Biologin, Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie (nach Heilpraktikergesetz), systemischer Coach, Team- und Konfliktcoach, NLP-Coach (DVNLP), Adv. NLP-Master (DVNLP), Supervisorin und Resilienztrainerin. In eigener Praxis supervidiert, coacht und therapiert sie Menschen mit Stress- und konfliktbedingten Schwierigkeiten und Störungen, wie z.B. Burnout, Depressionen, Panikstörungen, Zwängen und Traumata.

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