Cover: The medical meditation diary: From practice for practice
Serhat Ucarer
The medical meditation diary: From practice for practice
- Medicine simply explained: Your guide to greater well-being by Dr. Serhat Ucarer
ISBN: 978-3-758-47558-0
36 Seiten | € 9.99
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Serhat Ucarer

The medical meditation diary: From practice for practice

Medicine simply explained: Your guide to greater well-being by Dr. Serhat Ucarer

As a physician practicing both occupational and general medicine, I have had the
unique opportunity to observe the many ways in which health and well-being
affect our quality of life. In today's fast-paced world, where stress and burnout
are ever-present challenges, it has become increasingly clear to me that the
search for balance and inner peace is more important than ever. In this context, I
have found the practice of meditation to be not only personally enriching, but
also a powerful tool in medical practice.
The idea of writing a book on meditation diaries was born out of a desire to
make this powerful practice more accessible and to provide a concrete tool for
individuals to document and reflect on their meditative experiences. This book is
intended not only to provide guidance on meditation, but also to emphasize the
scientifically proven health benefits of this practice. As a physician, I am deeply
convinced that meditation not only promotes mental and emotional well-being,
but can also play a significant role in the prevention and treatment of physical
and mental illness.
In the following chapters you will receive a comprehensive introduction to
meditation, including practical instructions on how to keep a meditation journal.
This journal will serve as a constant companion, allowing you to track your
progress, gain insights and ultimately establish a deeper connection with your
inner self. In addition, the medical benefits of meditation are discussed in detail,
with a particular focus on the prevention and treatment of conditions that are
common in my medical practice.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 29,7 cm / B 21 cm / 133 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 9.99
Preis ATEUR 9.99
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Über den Autor

Dr. Serhat Ucarer ist ein erfahrener Facharzt für Arbeitsmedizin und Allgemeinmedizin mit einem ausgeprägten Interesse an medizinischer Forschung und Technologie. Geboren in Adiyaman, Türkei, hat er sich durch harte Arbeit und Leidenschaft zu einem angesehenen Mediziner entwickelt. Seine Karriere ist geprägt von einem unermüdlichen Streben nach Wissen und der Suche nach innovativen Lösungen für komplexe medizinische Herausforderungen.

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