Cover: You are the Way
Fabio Mantegna
You are the Way
- Manifest your Dream Life with Neville Goddard’s Law of Assumption
ISBN: 978-3-757-93743-0
228 Seiten | € 17.99
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Fabio Mantegna

You are the Way

Manifest your Dream Life with Neville Goddard’s Law of Assumption

4.8/5.00 bei 305 Reviews - aus dem Web

The principles of manifestation in one book: „You Are The Way” takes you step-by-step to your wish fulfillment with the Law of Assumption according to Neville Goddard! I'm glad you found your way here, because something inside you wants MORE out of life - more love, more happiness, more fulfillment. But as long as these things remain just a wish, you'll be chasing your dreams forever. What you need in order to make your wish come true are proven techniques for manifesting. Have you ever wondered why there are people with a "golden touch", while others are constantly haunted by bad luck? If you count yourself in the first category, congratulations! You're already pretty good at creating conscious manifestations. In this case, the techniques in this Manifestation Book will help you fulfill (even) greater desires. Often, however, reality looks more like this: You struggle and put in such incredible effort to achieve your goals. But whenever things seem to be going uphill, the next defeat, the next obstacle, the next setback comes your way. You've walked two steps and been thrown back three. The problem? Without the right guidance, manifesting remains a „fluke”! Author & Master of Manifestation Neville Goddard has broken down the Law of Assumption (the proper Law of Attraction) and Hermetic Laws to its most important components, thereby achieving the greatest successes in manifesting. Personally, but also for thousands and thousands of students who learned to manifest properly through him. One of his apprentices was Elmer O. Locker Jr. His grandson David has enriched this Manifestation Book with many of his experiences in manifestation. If you, too, want to use your consciousness, the power of your mind & the power of your subconscious mind to fulfill your desires, then wait no longer and use the techniques & instructions in this book. - You want to achieve financial independence? In this Manifest Book you will find a manifesting guide to getting rich! - Are you longing for your specific person or soul mate? With the techniques in this Manifestation Book you will find love and happiness! - Do you want to become fit and healthy? The instructions in this Manifesting Book will teach you how to manifest it! Get this Manifestation Book: Let your heart's desires come true & start living the Dream Life you deserve! The categories of this Manifestation Book are: - Manifestation and Manifesting - Thoughts and Feelings - Mysticism and Metaphysics - Spirituality

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ReiheManifesting with Neville Goddard and the Law of Assumption

Über den Autor

Fabio Mantegna ist Autor für das Gesetz der Annahme nach Neville Goddard. Seine Affinität zur Spiritualität und den Gesetzgebungen unserer sogenannten Realität machen sein Werk „Du bist der Weg“ zu einem einmaligen Meisterstück bezüglich des Themas Manifestieren. Er verbindet wie kein zweiter die Spiritualität mit der Wissenschaft und ermöglicht dadurch das vereinheitliche Verständnis der Gesetzgebungen unserer Realität.

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