Cover: Astrophysik IV: Sternsysteme / Astrophysics IV: Stellar Systems
Frank K. Edmonson
Astrophysik IV: Sternsysteme / Astrophysics IV: Stellar Systems
ISBN: 978-3-642-45932-0
566 Seiten | € 96.29
Frank K. Edmonson

Astrophysik IV: Sternsysteme / Astrophysics IV: Stellar Systems


  • Kinematical Basis of Galactic Dynamics.
  • I. General features of observed stellar motions.
  • II. Kinematical considerations.
  • Galactic Dynamics.
  • I. Introduction.
  • II. Mass motions and velocity distribution in the gravitational field of the Galaxy.
  • III. Velocity distribution from statistics of differential orbital motions.
  • IV. The dispersion of stellar velocities as function of the time.
  • V. The problem of spiral structure and problems concerning the evolution of the system.
  • General references.
  • Radio-frequency Studies of Galactic Structure.
  • Star Clusters.
  • A. Introduction.
  • B. Galactic clusters.
  • C. Globular clusters.
  • Appendix A. Catalogue of galactic clusters.
  • Appendix B. Catalogue of globular clusters.
  • Discrete Sources of Cosmic Radio Waves.
  • Radio Frequency Radiation from External Galaxies.
  • Classification and Morphology of External Galaxies.
  • General Physical Properties of External Galaxies.
  • Multiple Galaxies.
  • I. Historical.
  • II. Morphology of multiple galaxies.
  • III. Permanent multiple galaxies.
  • IV. The kinematics and dynamics of multiple galaxies. Gravitational lenses 384 V. Colliding galaxies as radio sources.
  • Clusters of Galaxies.
  • II. Well known clusters of galaxies.
  • III. Structure of individual clusters.
  • IV. Kinematics and dynamics of clusters of galaxies.
  • V. Counts of clusters of galaxies in depth; numbers as a function of angular.
  • VI. Distribution of clusters of galaxies in breadth.
  • VII. Superclustering non-existent.
  • VIII. The universal redshift, extragalactic distances and the methodology of the study of clusters of galaxies.
  • Large Scale Organization of the Distribution of Galaxies.
  • II. Dynamical problem of infinite massin infinite space.
  • III. Theory of simple clustering of galaxies.
  • IV. Theory of multiple clustering of galaxies.
  • Distance and Time in Cosmology: The Observational Data.
  • I. Observational methods of determining the distances of galaxies.
  • II. Time and the age of the universe.
  • Acknowledgments.
  • Seite Newtonsche und Einsteinsche Kosmologie.
  • I. Einleitung.
  • II. Newtonsche Kosmologie.
  • III. Einsteinsche Kosmologie.
  • Andere kosmologische Theorien.
  • 1. Übersicht.
  • 2. Kosmologie und Mikrophysik.
  • 3. Jordansche Kosmologie.
  • 4. Die Theorie des stationären Universums.
  • 5. Milnesche Kosmologie.
  • 6. Mathematischer Anhang.
  • Literatur.
  • Sachverzeichnis (Deutsch-Englisch).
  • Subject Index (English-German).

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Veröffentlichung: 06.12.2012
Seiten 566
Art des Mediums E-Book
Preis DE EUR 96.29
Preis AT EUR 99.00
Reihe Handbuch der Physik Encyclopedia of Physics 11
Reihe Astrophysik / Astrophysics
ISBN-13 978-3-642-45932-0
ISBN-10 3642459323

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