Cover: From Splendid Isolation to Global Engagement
Birgit Wolf
From Splendid Isolation to Global Engagement
- Exploring Internationalization in Higher Education
ISBN: 978-3-763-97569-3
0 Seiten | €
E-Book [Kindle]
Birgit Wolf

From Splendid Isolation to Global Engagement

Exploring Internationalization in Higher Education

This publication aspires to clarify and illustrate the role of higher education in promoting internationalisation, especially Internationalization at Home (IaH). It aims to highlight higher education's three central roles: teaching, research, and community service, each in its global context.
The anthology actively promotes change and development in the higher education sector and identifies strategies like online learning platforms and community partnerships that make higher education more accessible and enhance its benefits. The publication comprises two interconnected sections: the first addresses the evolving classroom dynamics due to IaH, focusing on curriculum adaptations for a varied student body. The second section delves into educational goals, emphasizing an international perspective.
Targeted at educators and researchers, the anthology offers guidance on integrating international and intercultural perspectives into curricula and teaching methods, with a focus on social inclusivity.

Wolf, Birgit
wbv Media

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Veröffentlichung: 19.12.2023
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 24 cm / B 17 cm / -
Art des Mediums E-Book [Kindle]
Auflage 1. Auflage
Reihe TeachingXchange
ISBN-13 978-3-763-97569-3

Über die Autorin

Birgit Wolf is a professor of management at Touro University Berlin (a campus of Touro University New York, USA) and a visiting professor for social management at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Arts, with a special interest in interdisciplinary research in higher education.

Tobias Schmohl is a professor and dean of research at the OWL Technical University of Applied Sciences and Art's Department of Media Production. He specializes in teaching and learning sciences, focusing on higher education studies, curriculum studies, and philosophy of science.

Larisa Buhin is a professor of psychology at Touro University Berlin (a campus of Touro University New York, USA). She specializes in multicultural counseling, antiracist education, social justice, and research on actions against hate speech in social media.

Michael Stricker is a professor of social management at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Arts. His research focuses on social entrepreneurship.

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