Cover: Madame Gstaad
Gottfried von Siebenthal
Madame Gstaad
ISBN: 978-3-038-18499-7
184 Seiten | € 39.00
Buch [BA]
Gottfried von Siebenthal

Madame Gstaad

In their first novel, Gottfried and Andrea von Siebenthal recount the fascinating true story of Emilie Steffen-von Siebenthal (1846 –1922) in a fact-filled and imaginative way: Born in Gstaad into a poor family of 14 children, Emilie, like many other people from the region, leaves her home as a young woman in search of a better life. After several years in Geneva and Paris, she returns to her home. As a baker’s wife, she becomes an important person in the village and, unwillingly, a key figure in the village fire that destroys half the village in 1898 and changes the lives of those involved forever. Against all odds, she becomes a formative figure in the village as tourism begins to flourish - "Madame Gstaad".

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Veröffentlichung: 25.10.2023
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 23 cm / B 16 cm / -
Seiten 184
Art des Mediums Buch [BA]
Preis DE EUR 39.00
Preis AT EUR 39.00
Auflage 1. Auflage
ISBN-13 978-3-038-18499-7
ISBN-10 3038184993

Über den Autor

Gottfried von Siebenthal (IV) was born in 1946 in his parents’ house on Gstaad square. As a long-time businessman in the family enterprise and local politician, he has witnessed Gstaad’s history and played a decisive role in shaping it. Since childhood, the local historian has been a passionate collector of old photos and stories from “his” village. This has resulted in three richly illustrated books on the history of Gstaad, which have been translated into several languages. Gottfried von Siebenthal and his wife Katharina Imhof from Liestal have four children and nine grandchildren.

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