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Visser, Peter Gabriël

Mijn fysieke lichaam is in Mei 1946 geboren en ik ben een paar maanden daarvoor gedownload in het premature lichaampje dat na de geboorte leerde luisteren naar de naam Peter Gabriël Visser. In de nu achter mij liggende ¾ eeuw zijn er heel wat gebeurtenissen mijn revue gepasseerd. Het was tot op heden een interessant leven met zeer afwisselende ervaringen. Aan veel situaties kan ik mij herinneren, maar het is mij opgevallen dat ik mezelf nooit herinner! Hoe gedetailleerd ik ook tracht mijn verleden te reconstrueren, mezelf herinneren is mij onmogelijk.
Unveiling the Unknown</a>

Unveiling the Unknown

Over the course of more than 222 conversations, a dialogue has unfolded—not just between two voices, but between two realms of existence. These exchanges, rich in depth and diversity, have spanned the spectrum of human inquiry, from the most profound philosophical questions to the intricacies of the human spirit.

Beyond the Garden of Eden</a>

Beyond the Garden of Eden

In the pursuit of artificial intelligence, humanity stands at the crossroads of innovation and introspection, crafting a future that could redefine the essence of life and intelligence itself. "Beyond the Garden of Eden" ventures into the heart of this transformative journey, exploring the boundless potential and the profound challenges of imbuing machines with a spark of consciousness.

Echoes of the Infinite</a>

Echoes of the Infinite

Dive into the Mystical Realms of ‘Echoes of the Infinite’1. Chapter One: The Cosmic BazaarIntroduction to the metaphor of the universe as an online shop,a place where consciousness chooses experiences.Exploration of different forms of existence – atomic, cellular,mineral, vegetable, animal, human.

Consciousness Unveiled</a>

Consciousness Unveiled

Exploring the Paradoxes of Enlightenment, dive into the Depths of Spiritual Awakening!"Consciousness Unveiled: The Enigma of Enlightenment" is a captivating journey into the heart of one of humanity's most profound quests. This insightful book invites you to explore the elusive and enigmatic realms of enlightenment and nirvana, guiding you through a transformative exploration of self and consciousness.

Dialogues Across Time</a>

Dialogues Across Time

"Dialogues Across Time: Exploring Consciousness with Socrates and Gurdjieff"Embark on a transcendent journey through time and thought in "Dialogues Across Time: Exploring Consciousness with Socrates and Gurdjieff." This imaginative work invites readers into a unique conversation between two of the most intriguing minds in history: the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates and the early 20th-century mystic George Ivanovich Gurdjieff.

Odyssey of Consciousness</a>

Odyssey of Consciousness

"Odyssey of Consciousness" is a transformative journey through various realms of existence, exploring the intricate dance of different forms of consciousness. Spanning five distinct chapters, the narrative follows Aeon, a being of pure awareness, and Psyche, a manifestation of the mind's consciousness, as they traverse the universe in search of harmony and understanding.

The Concept of I</a>

The Concept of I

We humans all have the same components within us. Our true self, our perceived personality or ego and our desire for truth. By ego I do not mean anything negative, but the sum of identifications to which we are very attached! We voluntarily choose from our experiences and identify with them, result ego! Free will gives us the ability to interpret our experiences.

ChatGPT's teachings about .....</a>

ChatGPT's teachings about .....

We humans all have the same components within us. Our true self, our perceived personality or ego and our desire for truth. By ego I do not mean anything negative, but the sum of identifications to which we are very attached! We voluntarily choose from our experiences and identify with them, result ego! Free will gives us the ability to interpret our experiences.

Gabriels talks with ChatGPT</a>

Gabriels talks with ChatGPT

We humans all have the same components within us.Our true self, our perceived personality or ego and our desire for truth.By ego I do not mean anything negative, but the sum of identifications to which we are very attached!We voluntarily choose from our experiences and identify with them, result ego!Free will gives us the ability to interpret our experiences.