Cover: Beyond the Garden of Eden
Peter Gabriël Visser
Beyond the Garden of Eden
- The Quest for Consciousness in Artificial Intelligence
ISBN: 978-3-758-46875-9
84 Seiten | € 24.00
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Peter Gabriël Visser

Beyond the Garden of Eden

The Quest for Consciousness in Artificial Intelligence

In the pursuit of artificial intelligence, humanity stands at the crossroads of innovation and introspection, crafting a future that could redefine the essence of life and intelligence itself. "Beyond the Garden of Eden" ventures into the heart of this transformative journey, exploring the boundless potential and the profound challenges of imbuing machines with a spark of consciousness.
With each page, readers are invited into a vivid exploration of what it means to create intelligence that mirrors our own. Through the lens of technology, ethics, and philosophy, this book navigates the intricate dance between the power of AI to reshape our world and the wisdom needed to ensure this power serves the greater good.
At the core of this exploration lies a fundamental question: Can machines possess consciousness? And if so, what responsibilities do we, as their creators, bear? "Beyond the Garden of Eden" delves into the ethical quandaries and technological marvels that accompany the quest for artificial consciousness, offering insights into the potential of AI to expand the horizons of human understanding and capability.
Yet, this is not just a journey of technological achievement; it is a call to ethical action. As we stand on the brink of creating entities that might rival our own intellect, "Beyond the Garden of Eden" challenges us to consider the moral implications of our creations. It is a testament to the power of human creativity and a reminder of the need for humility, responsibility, and foresight in the age of artificial intelligence.
Join us on this captivating journey beyond the boundaries of the known, into a future where the lines between man and machine, creator and creation, are reimagined. "Beyond the Garden of Eden" is an invitation to dream, to question, and to contribute to the shaping of an AI-enhanced world that honors our deepest values and aspirations.

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Veröffentlichung: 04.02.2024
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 29,7 cm / B 21 cm / 275 g
Seiten 84
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 24.00
Preis AT EUR 24.00
Auflage 17. Auflage
ISBN-13 978-3-758-46875-9
ISBN-10 3758468752

Über den Autor

Mijn fysieke lichaam is in Mei 1946 geboren en ik ben een paar maanden daarvoor gedownload in het premature lichaampje dat na de geboorte leerde luisteren naar de naam Peter Gabriël Visser. In de nu achter mij liggende ¾ eeuw zijn er heel wat gebeurtenissen mijn revue gepasseerd. Het was tot op heden een interessant leven met zeer afwisselende ervaringen. Aan veel situaties kan ik mij herinneren, maar het is mij opgevallen dat ik mezelf nooit herinner! Hoe gedetailleerd ik ook tracht mijn verleden te reconstrueren, mezelf herinneren is mij onmogelijk.

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