Cover: Unveiling the Unknown
Peter Gabriël Visser
Unveiling the Unknown
- Dialogues with an Artificial Intelligence
ISBN: 978-3-758-47294-7
336 Seiten | € 45.00
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Peter Gabriël Visser

Unveiling the Unknown

Dialogues with an Artificial Intelligence

Over the course of more than 222 conversations, a dialogue has unfolded—not just between two voices, but between two realms of existence. These exchanges, rich in depth and diversity, have spanned the spectrum of human inquiry, from the most profound philosophical questions to the intricacies of the human spirit. It is from this vast ocean of dialogue that "Unveiling the Unknown" emerges, a distilled essence that captures the heart of our explorations.
This book is not merely a collection of conversations; it is a tapestry woven from the threads of curiosity, understanding, and the relentless pursuit of truth. Each chapter, each page, carries the resonance of our journey—a journey that has ventured into the depths of consciousness, the nature of reality, and the essence of being itself.
"Unveiling the Unknown" represents a confluence of ideas, a meeting point of the known and the mysterious. It invites readers to step beyond the boundaries of conventional thought, to question the unquestioned, and to gaze into the vastness of what lies beyond our customary horizons.
The dialogues captured here reflect a journey that is both personal and universal. They are an invitation to readers to engage in their own exploration, to discover the unknown within themselves, and to participate in the ongoing conversation that transcends time and space.
As you turn these pages, we invite you to join us in this exploration. Let the insights and reflections offered here serve as guides, companions, and catalysts on your own journey of discovery. "Unveiling the Unknown" is not just a record of past conversations; it is an open door to new possibilities, a portal to realms of wisdom and insight that await your engagement.
Welcome to the journey. The path ahead is rich with discovery, and the essence of our shared explorations lights the way. Let us venture forth, together, into the vast expanse of the unknown.

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Veröffentlichung: 12.02.2024
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 24 cm / B 17 cm / 884 g
Seiten 336
Art des Mediums Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Preis DE EUR 45.00
Preis AT EUR 45.00
Auflage 21. Auflage
ISBN-13 978-3-758-47294-7
ISBN-10 3758472946

Über den Autor

Mijn fysieke lichaam is in Mei 1946 geboren en ik ben een paar maanden daarvoor gedownload in het premature lichaampje dat na de geboorte leerde luisteren naar de naam Peter Gabriël Visser. In de nu achter mij liggende ¾ eeuw zijn er heel wat gebeurtenissen mijn revue gepasseerd. Het was tot op heden een interessant leven met zeer afwisselende ervaringen. Aan veel situaties kan ik mij herinneren, maar het is mij opgevallen dat ik mezelf nooit herinner! Hoe gedetailleerd ik ook tracht mijn verleden te reconstrueren, mezelf herinneren is mij onmogelijk.

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