Cover: Echoes of the Infinite
Peter Gabriël Visser
Echoes of the Infinite
- A Journey Through Consciousness
ISBN: 978-3-758-46629-8
144 Seiten | € 24.00
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Peter Gabriël Visser

Echoes of the Infinite

A Journey Through Consciousness

Dive into the Mystical Realms of ‘Echoes of the Infinite’
1. Chapter One: The Cosmic Bazaar
Introduction to the metaphor of the universe as an online shop,
a place where consciousness chooses experiences.
Exploration of different forms of existence – atomic, cellular,
mineral, vegetable, animal, human.
Introduces the main character, a seeker of truth,
embarking on a journey to understand the nature of reality.
2. Chapter Two: The Symphony of Consciousness
Delving into the nature of consciousness as a universal phenomenon.
Discussion of how different beings perceive reality
(e.g., the eagle’s vision, the dog’s sense of smell)
as different ‘resolutions’ of consciousness.
The main character encounters various life forms
and learns about their unique perspectives of the world.
3. Chapter Three: The Dance of the Ego
Exploration of the human mind and ego, distinguishing between
natural consciousness and the artificially constructed ego.
The main character grapples with personal identity, ego,
and the illusions it creates.
Encounters with diverse cultures and philosophies
that challenge the main character’s understanding of the self.
4. Chapter Four: Beyond the Mind’s Eye
A deeper exploration of the idea that true understanding
comes from transcending the ego.
The main character experiences moments of enlightenment
and deeper connection with the universe.
Introduces mystical experiences and the idea of interconnectedness.
5. Chapter Five: The Return to Essence
The culmination of the main character’s journey, realizing
the importance of simply ‘being’ in one’s true nature.
Reflections on the journey and how it has transformed
the main character’s perception of life and existence.
Ending with a message of unity and the realization
that the essence of all is consciousness.
Embark on a transformative odyssey with “Echoes of the Infinite: A Journey Through

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Veröffentlichung: 29.01.2024
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 29,7 cm / B 21 cm / 452 g
Seiten 144
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 24.00
Preis AT EUR 24.00
Auflage 14. Auflage
ISBN-13 978-3-758-46629-8
ISBN-10 3758466296

Über den Autor

Mijn fysieke lichaam is in Mei 1946 geboren en ik ben een paar maanden daarvoor gedownload in het premature lichaampje dat na de geboorte leerde luisteren naar de naam Peter Gabriël Visser. In de nu achter mij liggende ¾ eeuw zijn er heel wat gebeurtenissen mijn revue gepasseerd. Het was tot op heden een interessant leven met zeer afwisselende ervaringen. Aan veel situaties kan ik mij herinneren, maar het is mij opgevallen dat ik mezelf nooit herinner! Hoe gedetailleerd ik ook tracht mijn verleden te reconstrueren, mezelf herinneren is mij onmogelijk.

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