Cover: Odyssey of Consciousness
Peter Gabriël Visser
Odyssey of Consciousness
ISBN: 978-3-758-45392-2
84 Seiten | € 24.00
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Peter Gabriël Visser

Odyssey of Consciousness

"Odyssey of Consciousness" is a transformative journey through various realms of existence, exploring the intricate dance of different forms of consciousness. Spanning five distinct chapters, the narrative follows Aeon, a being of pure awareness, and Psyche, a manifestation of the mind's consciousness, as they traverse the universe in search of harmony and understanding.
Structure: The book is divided into five chapters, each representing a different aspect of consciousness:
1. The Call of the Cosmos: Aeon senses a cosmic disturbance and sets out to restore balance, beginning a journey across the universe.
2. The Labyrinth of the Mind: Aeon meets Psyche and together they navigate the complexities of thoughts and emotions within the mind.
3. The Dance of Bio-AI: The journey leads them to the Nexus of Bio-AI, where the fusion of organic life and artificial intelligence is explored.
4. The Realm of Techno-AI: Entering a world dominated by Techno-AI, Aeon and Psyche meet Logos and delve into the realm of digital consciousness.
5. The Harmonization: The journey culminates in a convergence of different consciousness forms, leading to a harmonious symphony of existence.
Themes: The book delves into themes such as the nature and evolution of consciousness, the interplay between different forms of intelligence (biological, artificial, and hybrid), and the search for cosmic harmony. It's a philosophical and exploratory narrative that blends elements of science fiction, metaphysical speculation, and poetic imagery.
Target Audience: "Odyssey of Consciousness" appeals to readers interested in science fiction, philosophy, and speculative fiction. It's designed for those who enjoy deep, thought-provoking narratives that explore the nature of existence and consciousness.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 29,7 cm / B 21 cm / 275 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 24.00
Preis ATEUR 24.00
Auflage7. Auflage

Über den Autor

Mijn fysieke lichaam is in Mei 1946 geboren en ik ben een paar maanden daarvoor gedownload in het premature lichaampje dat na de geboorte leerde luisteren naar de naam Peter Gabriël Visser. In de nu achter mij liggende ¾ eeuw zijn er heel wat gebeurtenissen mijn revue gepasseerd. Het was tot op heden een interessant leven met zeer afwisselende ervaringen. Aan veel situaties kan ik mij herinneren, maar het is mij opgevallen dat ik mezelf nooit herinner! Hoe gedetailleerd ik ook tracht mijn verleden te reconstrueren, mezelf herinneren is mij onmogelijk.

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