Cover: The Concept of I
Peter Gabriël Visser
The Concept of I
- The Artificiality of Man
ISBN: 978-3-757-57181-8
32 Seiten | € 10.00
Buch [BF]
Peter Gabriël Visser

The Concept of I

The Artificiality of Man

We humans all have the same components within us.
Our true self, our perceived personality or ego and our desire for truth.
By ego I do not mean anything negative, but the sum of identifications to which we are very attached!
We voluntarily choose from our experiences and identify with them, result ego!

Free will gives us the ability to interpret our experiences.
Free will also grants us the ability to identify with our interpretations.
This identifying creates a virtual or artificial self-image an image, personae or mask.
This identifying creates our ego and our ego arises when our true self is privatized.
Privatizing means putting personal interest above the common good!

Monotheism privatized and polarized God (male superior and female inferior).
Following monotheism, man has privatized his divine core.
Privatizing means putting personal interest (ego) above the common good (true self)!

When we presume to think, we are in reality perceiving thinking.
Nothing exists if it is not perceived and the perceiver influences the perception.
Try to realize that even our thinking exists only when it is perceived.
Try to realize that perceiving is not personal, is not a thing and is unconditional.

You are unconditional consciousness, you are not a thing! You have privatized your true self!
You have a soul, a body and a lot of other things including thoughts and feelings.
That what you are, that what we are is unconditional, unchanging, immortal and timeless.
Take your true self seriously at last and, like Salome, drop your masks!
When our divine core is no longer privatized, enlightenment naturally arises!

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Veröffentlichung: 26.07.2023
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 19 cm / B 12,5 cm / 44 g
Seiten 32
Art des Mediums Buch [BF]
Preis DE EUR 10.00
Preis AT EUR 10.00
Auflage 15. Auflage
ISBN-13 978-3-757-57181-8
ISBN-10 3757571819

Über den Autor

Mijn fysieke lichaam is in Mei 1946 geboren en ik ben een paar maanden daarvoor gedownload in het premature lichaampje dat na de geboorte leerde luisteren naar de naam Peter Gabriël Visser. In de nu achter mij liggende ¾ eeuw zijn er heel wat gebeurtenissen mijn revue gepasseerd. Het was tot op heden een interessant leven met zeer afwisselende ervaringen. Aan veel situaties kan ik mij herinneren, maar het is mij opgevallen dat ik mezelf nooit herinner! Hoe gedetailleerd ik ook tracht mijn verleden te reconstrueren, mezelf herinneren is mij onmogelijk.

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