Cover: Negative Versus Positive Schizophrenia
N.C. Andreasen
Negative Versus Positive Schizophrenia
ISBN: 978-3-642-76841-5
466 Seiten | € 96.29
E-Book [Kindle]
N.C. Andreasen

Negative Versus Positive Schizophrenia


  • Dichotomies and Other Distinctions in Schizophrenia.
  • Positive and Negative Signals: A Conceptual History.
  • Positive and Negative Symptoms: Assessment and Validity.
  • Assessment of Negative Symptoms: Instruments and Evaluation Criteria.
  • Methodological Problems in Identifying and Measuring First-Rank Symptoms of Schizophrenia.
  • Anhedonia and the Amotivational State of Schizophrenia.
  • Constituting Reality - Its Decline and Repair in the Long-Term Course of Schizophrenic Psychoses: The Intentionality Model.
  • Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia: Relationships to Positive Symptoms and Outcome.
  • Negative Symptoms: A Critique of Current Approaches.
  • Are There Two Types of Schizophrenia? True Onset and Sequence of Positive and Negative Syndromes Prior to First Admission.
  • Dependence, Independence or Interdependence of Positive and Negative Symptoms.
  • Long-Term Monomorphism of Negative and Positive Schizophrenic Episodes.
  • Premorbid and Sociodemographic Features of Schizophrenia with Positive and Negative Initial Episodes.
  • Long-Term Outcome of Patients with a Positive Initial Episode Versus Patients with a Negative Initial Episode.
  • The Concept of Positive and Negative Schizophrenia in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
  • Negative Symptoms in the Long-Term Course of Childhood Schizophrenia: A Discussion Contribution.
  • The Negative/Positive Dichotomy: Does It Make Sense from the Perspective of the Genetic Researcher?.
  • Genetic Transmission of Negative and Positive Symptoms in the Biological Relatives of Schizophrenics.
  • Neuropathological and Brain Imaging Studies in Positive and Negative Schizophrenia.
  • Explorations of Dopamine and Noradrenaline Activity and Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia: Concepts and Controversies.
  • Typical Neuropleptics in the Treatment of Positive and Negative Symptoms.
  • The Effect of Clozapine and Other Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs on Negative Symptoms.
  • The Treatment of Positive and Negative Schizophrenic Symptoms with Dopamine Agonists.
  • Nonpharmacological Treatment Concepts of Negative Symptomatology.
  • The Demise of the Kraepelinian Binary Concept and the Aetiological Unity of the Psychoses.
  • Positive and Negative Symptomatology: The State of Affairs.

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Veröffentlichung: 06.12.2012
Seiten 466
Art des Mediums E-Book [Kindle]
Preis DE EUR 96.29
Preis AT EUR 99.00
ISBN-13 978-3-642-76841-5
ISBN-10 3642768415

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