Cover: Between Utopia and Tyranny
Hermann Selchow
Between Utopia and Tyranny
- Fascination and Terror of Communism
ISBN: 978-3-384-04330-6
312 Seiten | € 24.90
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Hermann Selchow

Between Utopia and Tyranny

Fascination and Terror of Communism

Dear readers,

Welcome to my new book, "Between Utopia and Tyranny" which delves into one of the most captivating and unsettling phenomena in human history: communism. In the following pages, we will explore the depths of this ideology—an ideology that embodies both utopia and tyranny.

"Between Utopia and Tyranny" is an extensive examination of the ideology of communism, its origins, its practical implementation, its recurring failures, and its global impact. From the early beginnings of the communist movement to the present-day consequences of communism, this book provides a detailed and thorough analysis.

Communism has a long and complex history, beginning with the birth of the idea in the 19th century. We will take a closer look at the theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who laid the foundations of communist thought. We will also examine the political movements that established communism as a revolutionary force.

Undoubtedly, communism is one of the most influential political theories of the 20th century. It promised a world where equality and solidarity would prevail, where people would live free from exploitation and oppression. This utopian vision attracted numerous individuals and fascinated them with its enticing promise of a better society. However, while the idea of communism may seem alluring at first glance, we must not forget its dark side. The history of communism is marked by violence, oppression, and the loss of fundamental freedoms. The communist regimes of the 20th century claimed countless lives and led entire nations into ruin.

This book takes on the challenging task of shedding light on both the captivating allure and the cruel reality of communism. It invites readers to consider the ideology from various perspectives and critically question it. We will not only explore the theoretical foundations of communism but also examine specific historical events in which communism was put into practice.

A particular focus will be on the people who experienced communism firsthand. We will read their stories and endeavor to understand the complexity of their experiences. Behind the abstract concepts of communism, there are individuals with hopes, fears, and dreams. Their voices deserve to be heard.

It is important to note that, despite the author's personal experiences, this book is not an advocacy for or against communism. Rather, it is an invitation for reflection and dialogue. By engaging with this ideology, we can better comprehend not only the past but also draw conclusions for the present and future. As communism still has supporters and proponents striving to seize political power, it is crucial to recognize and counteract the associated risks and challenges.

Additionally, we will consider those who, despite the horrors of communism, still cling to its appeal. How can we explain that communism continues to exert attraction and find followers even today? What hopes and aspirations underlie these ideas? These questions are of great significance in understanding current political and societal developments.

It is essential to recognize that communism cannot be viewed as an isolated phenomenon. It is intricately intertwined with the history of the 20th century and interacts with other political and social movements. Therefore, we will also delve into the global connections and analyze the influence of communism on other ideologies, political movements, and societal changes.

Given the nature of a book like this, it is natural for there to be different viewpoints and opinions. I am aware that communism remains a controversial topic, and readers will hold diverse perspectives. Hence, I encourage you to contribute your thoughts and ideas and actively participate in the debate.

I wish you an engaging read and hope that this book opens new questions, insights, and perspectives for you.

Hermann Selchow

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / 452 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 24.90
Preis ATEUR 24.90

Über den Autor

Ich bin ein alter weißer Mann. Ich war nicht immer alt, aber ich war immer weiß. Das war keine Wahl, es wurde mir sozusagen in die Wiege gelegt. Es ist also kein Makel und kein Privileg – ES IST. Ich höre die Musik anderer alter weißer Männer von Bach & Beatles bis Zappa & Waits. Ich lese die Bücher anderer alter weißer Männer von Brecht bis Whitman. Und ich liebe die Kunst alter schwarzer Männer & auch Frauen, sowohl in der Musik, als auch in der Literatur.

Ich wurde sozialisiert (wie man heutzutage sagt) in einem Land vor dieser Zeit. Ich trat mit 19 Jahren in die SED ein und trat 1986 wieder aus. Ich war in der evangelischen Jugend, verweigerte den Reservedienst, verlor meinen Job, machte Gelegenheitsjobs für die evangelische Kirche, wurde unregelmäßig von zwei Herren im Trenchcoat besucht. Die üblichen Spielereien der Macht. Also nichts was nicht Hunderte / Tausende andere genauso oder schlimmer erlebt hätten. Ich war nicht der Typ, der mit gesenktem Kopf und erhobener Faust durch die Gegend lief. Ich nahm die „Bonzen“ einfach nur beim Wort. Das genügte um sie vorzuführen und sich bei ihnen unbeliebt zu machen.

Als alle Weltrevolutionen für uns obsolet geworden waren, zerteilte sich die Gruppe von damals. Gelegentlich trifft man den Einen oder Anderen. Ein kurzes:”Weißt du noch?” und man geht wieder seines Weges. Viele zogen in den “Westen” zur Arbeit. Andere arbeiten noch heute an der Aufarbeitung jener Zeit, wieder andere starteten eine, zu jener Zeit undenkbare Karriere, und manche haben einfach nur Familien, Kinder und kleine Firmen gegründet. Das richtige Leben halt.

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