Cover: Contemporary Challenges in Education
Maria Aleksandrovich
Contemporary Challenges in Education
- Paradoxes and Illuminations
ISBN: 978-3-830-94697-7
552 Seiten | € 59.00
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Maria Aleksandrovich

Contemporary Challenges in Education

Paradoxes and Illuminations

Every day educators are presented with enlightening insights, questions, and encounters which reveal how students engage in learning, how new ideas can impact positively on student outcomes and how - when challenges are uncovered - there can be a sense of puzzlement where rethinking of pedagogical approaches is critical for student success. In this volume of Voices from the Classroom, "Contemporary Challenges in Education - Paradoxes and Illuminations", an international team of authors explores paradoxes, shares illuminations and invites you to reflect on educational practices to enhance pedagogy, scaffold learning and keep pace with educational advancements.
This collection written by students, teachers, researchers and higher education instructors discusses education across all phases of learning. It explores issues such as instructional scaffolding in kindergarten, understanding transition through children’s voices, youth participation in curriculum development of sex education, delivering crisis assistance to university students and staff in times of conflict in Ukraine, using augmented reality for transformative learning, co-creating university practices with staff and students, and how inclusive practices can help meet the needs of international postgraduate students. This comprehensive and diverse collection will have wide appeal for teachers, headmasters, stakeholders in the area of education and all those working in different educational contexts.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 24 cm / B 17 cm / 1020 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 59.00
Preis ATEUR 60.70
Auflage1. Auflage
ReiheVoices from the classroom 3

Über die Autorin

Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology at the Institute of Pedagogy, Pomeranian University in Slupsk. Academic teacher, coordinator of East Partnership and Erasmus+ programmes, participant and a coordinator of international projects, member of scientific societies (APA, ISSBD, ISSID, ATTE, IPiE and others) and author of monography and numerous scientific articles in the field of Psychology of Individual Difference, Developmental Psychology, Psychology of Gifted and Talented and Psychology of Dance.

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