Cover: Hegel und das Projekt einer philosophischen Enzyklopädie.
Thomas Sören Hoffmann
Hegel und das Projekt einer philosophischen Enzyklopädie.
ISBN: 978-3-428-15740-2
386 Seiten | € 99.90
Thomas Sören Hoffmann

Hegel und das Projekt einer philosophischen Enzyklopädie.

»Hegel and the Project of a Philosophical Encyclopaedia«

The articles in this volume examine Hegel’s concept of a philosophical encyclopaedia in a constructive manner from the starting point of his 1817 Encyclopaedia. More general and foundational statements are followed by individual explorations with regard to speculative logic as well as philosophy of nature and spirit, as treated in Hegel’s encyclopaedic approach; a focus lies on Hegel’s practical philosophy. The volume is concluded by an account on the genesis of the critical edition of Hegel’s works.

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Veröffentlichung: 14.11.2019
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 23,3 cm / B 15,7 cm / 510 g
Seiten 386
Art des Mediums Buch
Preis DE EUR 99.90
Preis AT EUR 102.70
Auflage 1. Auflage
Reihe Begriff und Konkretion 8
ISBN-13 978-3-428-15740-2
ISBN-10 3428157400

Über den Autor

Hardy Neumann holds the chair for philosophy at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso (Chile). He received his PhD degree at the University of Freiburg i.Br. Subsequently, he worked as a postdoc at the TU Dresden and conducted several research projects supported by the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung and the Chilenian research funding FONDECYT. He also is a co-founder of the German-Latin American Research Network FILORED. Publications: ›Die neue Seinsbestimmung in der reinen theoretischen Philosophie Kants: Das Sein als Position‹. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2006; numerous articles in the entire area of philosophy from antiquity to present times.

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